Doin’ it in a hot tub
Being pampered by a bathroom attendant
The plot arc to “Stairway to Heaven”
Movies that feature hot-air balloons, elephants or Ben Stiller
Armed revolution
“Secret songs” at the end of CDs
Menu items described as “beer battered”
Documentaries on incredibly violent, yet surprisingly kind-hearted pimps
All-star games of any kind
Soft-shell crabs
Visible Henna tattoos
Participating in a food fight
Wearing tie-die on “casual Fridays”
The comedic chemistry between Luke Wilson and anyone
Unwinding at a drum circle
Hand ball
Telling it like it is
Charlie Chaplin’s silent antics
Goin’ tubin’
Cinco de Mayo
Winning a limo ride and backstage passes to a concert by being the 39th caller
Extra cheese
Getting in touch with nature
Eating on the toilet
“Old Tymey” photo portraits
Mister Softee trucks
Deep-sea fishing with the guys
Your dog’s degree from obedience school
Playing practical jokes on your best buds
Tug of war
Themed hotel rooms
Sampling the food at street fairs
Boat shoes
Meeting Courtney Love
Dressing up as a penis or vagina for Halloween
Your tax refund
The back story to the Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds”
Rodeo clowns
Hand jobs in public
Beer that has been “beachwood aged”
Thanksgiving with the relatives
Realistic portrayals of Christ’s last days
Realistic portrayals of anyone’s last days
Spike Lee films
“Lite” ice cream
Driving a convertible after the age of 19
Audience participation
Swimming holes
Petting zoos
Flavored toothpicks
Homeland security
Singing in the rain
One-armed push-ups
“Overstuffed” sandwiches
Watching actors stretch their improv chops
Lap dances in the “VIP Room”
Communicating with relatives beyond the grave
Boardwalk fudge
Following your dream
Doo wop
The salad bar “sneeze guard”
The carefree hobo lifestyle
Changing your name to a one word verb
Attending all-day, outdoor jam-band festivals
Shark repellent
PBS documentaries on punk
Over-the-counter acne cream
Electric bass solos
Cordless power tools
Opening your heart to shy loners
Frisbee golf
Getting your wife to smoke a cigar while wearing only stiletto heels
The “playful” compositions of John Cage
Flying Hooters Air
Renting a tandem bike
Getting laid on the internet
Growing facial hair to look “rugged”
Befriending a grizzly
Accentuating a joke with a rakish wink
Chasing tornadoes
Leashes for children
Front row seats to the Blue Man Group
Vanity plates that announce your occupation sans vowels
This list
–with Ted Travelstead