#1. Deployment orders to Iraq
#2. A litter of feral cats
#3. A postcard that reads: “On vacation in Bahamas. Will send gift from airport.”
#4. The pamphlet: Healthy Hygiene Habits That Benefit Everyone!
#5. Your business card
#6. Your grandmother’s invaluable gold bracelet that was hidden away just before she perished in the Holocaust
#7. A monogrammed bedroom aid you once bought at a stoop sale
#8. One developmentally-delayed foster child
#9. The handful of change you received after buying your real presents
#10. A Homer Simpson cookie jar that “defecates” Oreos
#11. Swift, pitiless justice
#12. A “Sex Machine” vanity license-plate for your co-worker’s wheelchair
#13. A book of “Love Coupons,” non-redeemable outside of your cubicle
#14. $500 cash in a paper sack
#15. A Google Earth shot of the recipient’s childhood home
#16. VIP status in the office fridge
#17. Your own 900-page handwritten tome of “Bush-isms”
#18. A Kevlar vest
#19. The entire Life Goes On series on DVD, with a special commentary track from Chris Burke and Chad Lowe
#20. A festive red, green and white cock ring
#21. A handful of those amazing over-the-counter painkillers your company has just manufactured, pre-FDA approval
#22. Your homemade candied placenta
#23. The surveillance videotape that got you fired, just before you successfully sued for sex-addiction discrimination
#24. A $1 gift-certificate to The Dollar Store
#25. A hardcover edition of We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Shall Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda, by Philip Gourevitch, with the inscription: “Hope Your Christmas is Just Terrific!”
#26. A soap dispenser, freshly ripped from the men’s room wall
#27. A huggy-pillow fashioned after Munch’s “The Scream”
#28. Unnecessary surgery
#29. A “vintage” Ray Parker Jr. concert t-shirt
#30. A necklace strung from “Charlie Ears,” a souvenir your Dad brought back from ‘Nam
#31. Breadsticks from lunch
#32. A mouse pad that reads: “Cunning Linguist”
#33. A $10 donation, in the recipient’s name, to your teen’s college-fund
#34. Long-overdue parking tickets you’ve been stealing since last Christmas from the gift recipient’s windshield
#35. A book of solved New York Times crossword puzzles, with the answers whited out
#36. A few paper plates that read, “It’s Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah!!!”
#37. A motorized dancing Santa programmed only with songs by the Gary Cherone-led Van Halen
#38. A lucky penny
#39. A handwritten coupon “Good for One Free Erotic Back Rub!!!”
#40. The very first draft of your very first screenplay
#41. A 24-hour lift on URLs blocked by your company’s firewall for “inappropriate content”
#42. A nacho-cheese-scented candle
#43. A pastel drawing of your co-worker innocently sleeping in her own bed
#44. A box of novelty penis-shaped pasta, with a can of alfredo sauce
#45. A bedazzled carpal-tunnel wrist brace
#46. “Most Enthusiastic Archer, Camp Seagull 1983” trophy
#47. A set of place mats, each depicting a different stage in the manufacture of fish sticks
#48. A box of fancy Ecuadorian coffee-enemas
#49. A VHS copy of the 1994 remake of Miracle on 34th Street, with a note to “return to library after finishing, thanks.”
#50. Whatever happens to be available in the vending machine
#51. Thong panties with your corporate logo
#52. A firm handshake and a sincere, “Happy Holidays”
#53. A mug with your dog’s profile on it
#54. An event calendar from the 2006 New Yorker Festival, framed
#55. A jarful of sand from your recent Jersey Shore vacation
#56. Two-pounds of Chex-Mix, your own special recipe (made with just a “touch” of mayo)
#57. A copy of the “I REALLY MISS U & NEED U BACK!!!” cassette you mixed for your college ex
#58. Jose Cuervo sweatpants
#59. A Nissan Stanza with 216,000 miles and no tires
#60. A specially-bound leather photo album containing black and white photos of yourself, after-hours, making special use of each of your co-workers’ chairs
#61. One gently used home-pregnancy test
#62. A PB&J with the crust lovingly cut off
#63. Walking up to a co-worker and saying “You got that eye of the tiger,” then walking away
#64. Notes you took from that morning’s Price Is Right
#65. Baby booties with little bells attached for the child your boss would have had if she weren’t such a selfish careerist bitch
#66. A tab of herbal ecstasy
#67. A “World’s Horniest Human Resources Director” mug
#68. An escape-route placard stolen from a door at the Red Roof Inn
#69. Whatever that old lady had in her purse last night
#70. For the lone Muslim co-worker, a crucifix with a note that reads: “He died for your sins most of all.”
#71. A list of death-row inmates in desperate need of holiday pen-pals
#72. An invitation to squeeze your biceps free of charge (once)
#73. A few particles of golden glitter that rubbed off on you during a recent lap dance
#74. A mitten full of puddin’
#75. The Bible in graphic-novel form with “choice passages” highlighted
#76. That beige cardigan the receptionist used to wear before she died
#77. A note that reads:“Hint: Your Breath All Stanky”
#78. A Ziploc bag filled with a generous portion of room-temperature eggnog
#79. The entire Homies miniature doll collection, including quite a few repeats
#80. A life-long subscription to The Watchtower
#81. Nothin’, ‘cause you don’t believe in all that crap surrounding such a “bullshit holiday”
#82. A strand of tinsel you pulled from your aging mother’s esophagus
#83. A Kit Kat diced and sliced into 30 or so pieces and then dumped into a shoebox that you now refer to as “assorted holiday chocolates”
#84. A hand-painted figurine of an angel freebasing
#85. One hamster, two tiny reindeer horns
#86. Jingle Bells: The Remixes, As Sung by the Baha Men
#87. The instruction booklet for changing the printer cartridge, “personalized” with your co-worker’s name inserted into every sentence
#88. A partially stamped Subway “Sub Club” card
#89. A sexy-as-hell chalk drawing of the gals in accounts receivable
#90. The actual sunglasses Kurt Russell wore in Captain Ron
#91. Deliberately misleading information on the transmission of HIV
#92. A jumbo bottle of Old Grand-Dad Whiskey, with the note, “For when you fall off the wagon!”
#93. A CD-ROM good for 100 free hours on AOL
#94. An autographed photo from Jon Favreau
#95. A trial-size bottle of coconut-scented “love” oil
#96. Three grapes to be transferred directly from your mouth into the recipient’s
#97. A bolo tie fashioned from an old computer mouse
#98. Your own replica lightsaber “because I saw how you were eyeing mine”
#99. A $25 gift-certificate to Planned Parenthood
#100. One corn holder, one earplug, and one chopstick
#101. Blueprints of your office building with key “security and infrastructure vulnerabilities” highlighted
#102. “Absolutely nothing, since I worked for what I have and believe others should, too”
#103. A punch in the face. Because of that laugh. That laugh like nails on a fucking chalkboard. Jesus.
#104. A two-day hot-air-balloon ride with Garrison Keillor
#105. The complete, unabridged copy of Moby Dick, printed on your company’s LaserJet
#106. Because you know just how much the person adores Jon Cryer on Two and a Half Men, a revolver and a single bullet
#107. Britney’s kids
#108. The following note: “There is a rickshaw waiting for you outside of our office. Remember how I once promised I’d make you one? Well? What. Are. You. Waiting. For???”
#109. A poster of “The Kramer”
#110. A handful of forks you grabbed from the Quiznos across the street
#111. 45 minutes of you rationalizing about going off your diet
#112. A Christmas magnetic poetry kit featuring only four words: “I,” “Mrs.,” “Claus,” and “catheterize.”
#113. A half-square in the AIDS quilt
#114. A tiny pink Baskin-Robbins spoon with just the cutest scoop of vanilla ice cream
#115. A rape whistle
#116. On the person’s answering machine: Andy Rooney condemning light bulbs
#117. A SaveDarfur.com koosh ball
#118. A video of you playing air-guitar to “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”
#119. One lovingly gift-wrapped I.U.D.
#120. Your 200-page novel about the dissolution of a marriage that “could really use some line edits”
#121. An “Every Day is Earth Day” reusable grocery bag
#122. A damaged Netflix copy of Christmas with the Kranks
#123. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amazing Sex, with key positions circled and annotated
#124. One Triscuit
#125. A 10-minute conference call with Andy Dick and Crispin Glover
#126. Photos of a male co-worker passed out with “Cock Tits Steve” written on his face in lipstick
#127. A videotape of every shower you’ve taken since last December
#128. The contents of your desk, in a cardboard box, with a big ol’ fancy bow on it
#129. An almost-full bottle of liquid Methadone
#130. A note that reads: “Um, you’re not fired. That’s your fucking Christmas present.”
– With Scott Jacobson, Todd Levin, and Teddy Wayne